Specifications for Chris's Homebuilt computer...

This is more for the techie types out there. I wanted to build a computer that could run a decent game of quake for as little as possible. It also had to have good speed for Network parties, and have room to tri-boot Win98,NT,and Red Hat. This is what I put together:

ASUS SP97-V Mainboard $97
32mb EDO Ram$29
Pentium 200mmx $109
Mini-Tower Case/Power Supply $29
5.1G Western Digital HD - UDMA/33$139
Diamond Viper V330 - 4MB $129
3.5" Floppy drive free
2x CDRom drive free
14" SVGA Monitor free
Keyboard/Mouse free
3Com 100Mb NIC$70
US Robotics 33.6 Winmodem $20
4 hours building/installing SWfree